In 2017, DMAX hosted the popular 6Nations rugby tournament and at Flopicco we were asked to create the visual identity and campaign. We directed and produced two teaser videos, designed an onscreen promo toolkit to support the whole event and a print advertising campaign featured in newspapers and billboards. The brand we created feels bold, rough, glorious and it's derived from DMAX's original brand.

Starting from the main identity, we derived a small package for Rugby Social Club, a live show featuring post-match comments, results and rankings. The elements of the brand are combined with an alternative fresh color palette and a bespoke logo.

Client: Discovery
Agency: Flopicco, Rome

Creative Direction: Florencia Picco
Art Direction, Design & Motion: ELIA™
Additional Motion: Marco Salemi
Print Design: Romina Giarrizzo


MATERIA • Branding


EI • DeepTech